Children's Ministry at Wellspring consists of elementary (ekids: k-5th) and nursery-preschool (Kids at the Well: 0-5yrs). Faithful volunteers nurture children and teach them systematic theology on their level.
Wellspring's middle & high school ministry meets at the church on 1st, 3rd, & 4th Sundays at the church from 6:30–8:00pm. The 1st & 3rd Sundays are small groups divided by age/gender, while the 4th Sunday is a large group "Surge Meet Up". If you have any questions, please email [email protected] for more info.
Gospel Communities are a way that we intentionally gather for prayer, encouragement, fellowship and mission. Gospel Community groups meet during the week in different parts of Charlotte to bring Christ to neighborhoods and people outside of the church.
Growth Groups are a great way for adults to get connected at Wellspring. They're a safe place to learn, apply, grow, and make lasting friendships around the Gospel in a group of 8-12 people.
In October 2006, Wellspring became partners with the Acts 29 Network. Acts 29 is a network of like-minded, yet diverse churches that have banded together to plant gospel-centered churches that are missionally minded, culturally engaging and theologically orthodox.