After the ascension of Jesus Christ, He then sends the Holy Spirit to empower the apostles as witnesses (Acts 1:8) and to spread the message of the gospel to all nations (Matthew 28:19). We believe that planting local churches is an effective method that God uses to bridge cultural and generational gaps in order to proclaim the gospel.

By God’s grace, Jesus is using Wellspring to influence and shape the church planting culture through both rock-solid theology and contextualizing the gospel. Our church is committed to Jesus, the Scriptures, healthy family life, and reaching lost people with the gospel.

We are currently positioning our church to plant other churches in Charlotte that are missional in their respective communities sent by Christ with the gospel (John 20:21). In the meantime, we take joy in financially supporting the following churches and church planting organizations:

  • Reconciliation Church in Raleigh, NC
  • One Family Church in Orlando, FL
  • City of Refuge Church in Columbia, SC
  • Various missionaries who support and serve internationally