We want to make it easier for you to determine if Wellspring Church is the best fit for you and your family. To assist in that, we’ve created a process that we’re calling ‘Hang4Six’. We’re simply asking you to engage with Wellspring Church over the course of six weeks. 

During that time, we’d ask that you do three things to help you discern if we might be the church you plug into. Those three things are…

  • Attend Sunday Service four out of your six weeks
  • Visit a Gospel Community (mid-week small group) near you during one week
  • Stay after on the 1st Sunday of the month for our UpClose Guest Reception.

We’re confident that engaging with Wellspring during the course of six weeks will give you a great feel for who we are as a church and how we love God and one another. 

If you have any questions at all during this time, don’t hesitate to reach out to Sherryann Sylvestre, Director of Connection & Assimilation.